Thursday, August 20, 2015

Welcome back to school!

So, here you are on your seventh grade Language Arts blog. Now that you have found it, please post a comment about what you would like to learn in Language Arts this year.


  1. What I would like to learn in Language Arts this year are more words to advance my vocabulary so i can be better in Language Arts.

    1. Good job in correcting your errors, make sure you remember that this is a very formal piece and add descriptive words in the mix!

    2. I also wanted to increase my vocab in the 7th grade. Try reading more advanced books and searching up the words you don't know. :)

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  3. I would like to learn a lot of things in language arts this year. I want to learn how to improve my writing, be more fluent in reading, and improve in reading comprehension. I think reading comprehension is one of my weakest points in language arts, because sometimes when I read things I read them so fast that I don't know what I am reading. I want to improve my writing, because a lot of times I put in unnecessary details, and an essay that was supposed to be 1-2 pages comes out to be four. I am not very fluent in reading, because most of the time I read fast and silently, and when I try reading fast orally, I tend to mix up words, mispronounce them, and skip them. Insha Allah I can achieve my goals!

    1. I too use to have a weak point in reading comprehension, Inshallah you will improve this year along with strengthening your other goals!

  4. There are many things I want to learn in language arts this year. Firstly, I would like to keep on improving my writing skills. Secondly, I want to make my reading skills better because I am not very good at reading fast and fluently orally. I would also like to articulate words when I speak in a better way. Thirdly, I want to find out about different forms of writing and study them in depth. I also want to increase my level of vocabulary this year in language arts. Finally, I would also like to reduce my writing to the point. I often tend to add more than what was required in my writing. I want to get rid of my habit of adding unnecessary details in my writing. I hope this year I will be able to accomplish my goals!

  5. There are several things I want to learn this year in language arts. The first thing is to improve my writing skills because I love reading stories, novels, and articles. I hope one day I can be a writer and author of a few books in the future. I also want to expand my knowledge by learning new terminology. Using new terminology, I will be able to comprehend material in more depth, be able to understand different views/opinions, and be able to see the bigger picture. Insha Allah I can achieve all of my goals this year.

    1. I too enjoy reading! I always try to find time to read and check out new books. My favorite book is a historical fiction piece titled, "Between Shades of Gray".

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  9. What I would like to learn in LA is grammatical rules since I wasn't proficient in Grammer last year I would like to improve this year inshallah I will become satisfactory in my Grammer skills

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  11. There are a lot of things I want to learn in language arts this year. First of all, I want to increase in descriptive word usage and vocabulary in my writing. I also want to improve in my reading comprehension skills, as they are extremely crucial and essential in seventh grade language arts, and as I tend to make mistakes while answering questions, since I read fast silently, and usually don’t understand the passage, or piece of writing properly and accurately. Another thing I want to progress or work on is my writing information, making sure I take out the information I don’t need, and adding the information I do need, perfecting my writing. Also, I want to practice pronouncing my words correctly and fluently without stuttering, or hesitating. Finally, I want to increase in reading more nonfiction and informative writing pieces, so I can be more informed about real life, not fantasy. I hope I will achieve these goals Insha Allah, if I continue to work hard!

    1. Nice vocab and you stuck to the point ! A very formal peice

    2. I like your variety word usage, keep working hard and Inshallah you will learn a lot more words and strengthen your vocabulary even more!

  12. This year, I would like to learn a lot of thing in Language Arts. I would like to improve on my public speaking and getting used to speaking in front of the class. I would like to get used to other forms of literature, such as poetry, since I'm only attracted to fictional books. I want to expand my knowledge in grammar and vocabulary, to make my papers more intresting to read and so that I'm not using the same words over and over again. I would also want to be able to annotate pieces of writing easily, as well as writing outlines. Insha Allah, with a lot of hard work and perseverance, I can accomplish my goals!!

    1. I use to have a weak point in public speaking, but with a lot of practice I am getting better. Inshallah you will also improve your public speaking skills this year!

    2. Public speaking was a problem for me too, but I got used to it as I knew my classmates more and more. However, it is still a problem for me to speak in front of people that I don't really know. I'm sure that if you practice it helps a lot.

  13. This year I want to learn many things in Language Arts. First, I want to improve my reading skills because I still need to increase my speed and I need to understand more deeply when reading. When I read fast, I don't understand everything I read. Second, I want to improve my weak points in tests, a few of the main ones are reading comprehension and grammer. I need to go into more depth and learn them more efficiently. I also want to learn an avalanche of new vocabulary words. Lastly, I would like to improve my writing style, meaning I want to get my writing brief and to the point and also I would like to make my story with bountiful details and increased expression in the dialogue. I hope I will accomplish these goal throughout the year, Inshallah!

  14. This year, I would like to learn many things in Language Arts. First, my writing because I tend to write big on a paper for a rough draft, but when I type it and look back at my piece, it seems very short usually only a page long. So, I want to be able to add more details to my writing, but not too many.Next, I want to improve on my usage of the vocabulary I learn. This means for me to be able to use vocabulary more in my writing or everyday usage.Finally, I would like to improve my public speaking skills or being more confident when I speak.I have taken classes that have helped,but not so much because I was only with people that I was familiar with.That is the last thing I am hoping to improve on this year along with the things I have yet to learn. Insha Allah all of these goals will get accomplished this year if I work hard and stay on task.

    1. You could try writing smaller or just adding more details even when you think that it is enough, I also had trouble with public speaking but it gets easy once you do it a lot. For your vocabulary, you could try searching the words that you don't know when you are reading.

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  16. This year in Language Arts I would like to expand my knowledge in vocabulary and grammar, I would also want to improve my study skills, Another thing I would want to learn would be how to improve my techniques of studying and taking notes so I could be more efficient in less time.I also would want to learn how to make better annotations, there is much to come this year, Inshallah I will meet and exceed my goals this year !

    1. One tip to expand your knowledge in vocabulary and grammar, is when you read a book, and you do not know a meaning of a word in that book, you should search that word up. That will improve your knowledge in vocabulary and grammar, Insha Allah.

    2. Annotating can be hard, and I struggled with it but with practice it gets a lot easier. For practice, try annotating books you already enjoy. :)

  17. I have many goals for language arts this year. Some are to improve my public speaking, grammar skills,negotiation skills,and my spelling skills. I think my weak points are my spelling and public speaking skills. When I go in front of a large group of people for a speech for example I get extremely nervous and I need someone to go with me to give me encouragement. In spelling I may miss a letter in a word. Insha Allah I am determined to work hard and accomplish my goals.

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  18. The first things I would like to learn/improve on is public speaking. The second thing i want to learn/improve on is writing, The last thing I would like to learn is more grammar and improve on my reading skills.

  19. This year, I would like to learn how to improve my reading comprehension skills and only write the relevant details in my writing.I would also like to improve my grammar skills and vocabulary. This means for me to use better grammar and implement the vocabulary I learn in my day to day use of English. Another thing I need to work on are my public speaking skills. I am usually not very confident when I stand in front of a crowd. I would also like to improve my fluency in reading orally.

    1. I admit that I also needed work on some of those goals. Keep working hard and you will, Inshallah, achieve all of them!

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  21. This year, my goals are to improve on my critical thinking in order to help me find out more about what I'm learning and reading about. I would also like to improve my writing skills as I am very interested in writing short stories and quick journal entries. By the end of this year I hope to be able to write short novels and be able to apply my critical thinking properly.

  22. This year I would like to achieve many of goals in Language Arts. First of all, I would like to learn how to improve my writing and make it detailed with a more advanced vocabulary. Second of all, I would like to improve my grammar skills as I feel that they are my area of weakness. Lastly, I would like to improve my fluency in reading orally as I usually read silently, so i may skip a few lines without noticing every once in a while. InshAllah, I will be able to accomplish these goals this year!

    1. Your vocabulary is a crucial part in producing an eloquent piece of writing. Reading is one approach for obtaining new vocab words and weaving them into your writing. Good luck!

  23. Amana Kaddoura
    I want to make many posters this year.
    I also like to write a few (4) essays.
    I would like to improve on my grammar and public speaking skills.

    1. P.S.
      My previous 1 paragraph work was deleted so I had to redo the comment.

  24. In language arts class, I would like to improve my reading comprehension. In the sixth grade, there were some kinds of reIading genres that I couldn't comprehend. For example, I didn't really understand historical fiction and informational texts. Although I would mainly like to improve my reading comprehension, there are other areas of language arts that I would really like to grow in, too. First, I would like to expand my vocabulary. I have stuck to the same level of vocabulary for a few years now and would really like to start improving in it. Also, i would like to become a better writer. When writing, I tend to include unnecessary details and forget the main points. I also don't know how to organize my paragraphs correctly. Additionally, i would like to learn to work better in groups and to be able to speak fluently in presentations without stammering or faltering. Over all, I hope to improve my language arts skills.

    1. Read new writing pieces to capture different vocabulary words as well as enhance your writing by looking at other examples. Group projects are something you will be obligated to do your entire life, so learning to work well in them is a significant goal!

  25. This year in Language Arts, I would like to improve my grammar since last year that was my "trouble spot". I would also like to improve my vocabulary since there are a lot of words that I don't know or words that I have trouble pronouncing which is very surprising since I am an advanced reader. But still, advanced readers also sometimes get stuck! I would also like to improve my listening skills because believe me, I am not good when it comes to listening to people(although somehow I mange to listen to all my teacher's instructions clearly)mainly because I'm pretty much always distracted.(Yes I'm being honest here.) I would also like to practice writing in cursive since I can't write in cursive(I can write in cursive but it's not neat and organized like Zahreef,Zaid,and Zeeshan's).and because I also want to be prepared for high school since all the English teachers there make you turn in all your assgnments in cursive. Insha'allah I will try to strive for these goals this year.
    Saadat Kazi

    1. Thank You Saadat for your compliment!

    2. My listening skills are very weak as well, and I need to focus on listening more instead of talking!

  26. This year, there are many things I would like to expand upon, such as grammar and writing. As Steve Jobs said, "Stay hungry, stay foolish", meaning that you should always be hungry for knowledge and that you should never consider yourself perfect. There is always something new to learn. I want to learn new writing skills and methods. I would also like to learn more advanced vocab words.I'm also interested in reading books (as in each person in the class reads the same book) and then we can spend a period discussing it together. We could talk about the plot, the characters, and our general opinion.

  27. This year in Language Arts there are a few things i would like to improve, first of all i would like to improve my grammar and writing, because while writing something i tend to forget to fix my grammar mistakes and also misspell things. Also i would like to learn new vocabulary that i can use for describing things or even just use it while i'm outside or in my house. I hope i will be able to accomplish some of these goals in class.

  28. Good job seventh grade. We share a lot of areas of growth that we can still work on throughout the year thing that I would like to mention is that I keep seeing the same introduction over and over creative!

  29. And have a great year inshallah!!

  30. For our Language Arts Class, I would like to learn how to be more social with others and how we can better communicate as a class, we should also be mature and also not be anti social and stay with one gender, since we will be working with the opposite genders for our whole lives, we will need to get used to formally approaching one another, there are also many things that i would love to learn in Language Arts Class such as Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, etc; I hope that this year will be a successful and positive school year that all us 7th graders can benefit from.

    1. Social skills are very important and are a major part of our learning outcomes this year. I understand your frustration with the level of inexperience some of your peers may have, but iA it all works out and your class becomes closer and works together easily and willingly. :)

  31. for language arts i woulkd like to learn new vocabulary

  32. This year i would be intrested in improving my grammer skills like larning mor about independent and depndent clauses and stuff like that i would also b interested in writing my own politicaly related reports that allow m to express my opinion upon the subject FREELY and without any criticism whilst improving my vocabulary.

    P.S. sorry about all the spelling mistakes if any my keyboard is being a royal pain right now.

    1. In seventh grade, my class and I wrote articles about what was happening around the school and learned how to collaborate with others around Granada, including teachers, administration, and younger and older students. We learned how to use constructive criticism and express our selves freely but also appropriately. Maybe your class will be able to experience this also!

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  34. I would like to learn and improve a few things this year.i would like to improve my reading to read fluently and my grammar for my writing.i would like to learn a lot this year but I would like to know how people like to read a lot.

  35. This year, I would like to improve my grammar and vocabulary skills. I would also like to improve my writing skills too, I would love to be a better writer than I am right now because I would like to be able to write very exciting and interesting stories. By the end of the year I hope I have achieved all the goals that I want to accomplish.

  36. Here are some things that I would love to learn this year: First, I would love to learn more about vocabulary. I would also like to improve my reading skills.I would also like to write better. By the end of this year,I hope I learn more about these skills.

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  38. I definitely need to improve my public speaking and presentation skills. Grammar isn't one of my best subjects and could use some help. Writing is probably my weakest topic. I could really benefit from more writing classes, though i dont enjoy essays; I enjoy creative writing the most.

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