Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bold Actions in Meeting Challenges

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Image result for meeting challenges quotes

The stories we are reading in Collection 1 in class explore what it means to fearlessly face challenges that may confront us, even if it means that we will not be successful in meeting that challenge. Think of a time in which you or people you know faced a very difficult challenge. What was it? How did you/they handle it? Were you/they successful in the outcome?


  1. A time where i had a hard moment i had to overcome was when my grandmother died.I had to go to palestine,it was a very difficult and hot journey.When we got there i met most of my family we even visited my grandma.Than we got a call from the hospital and they said she died.I buried her but my mom was crying a lot.We succeeded by meeting my grandma before she died.

    1. This must have been a very difficult time for your family, but you remained strong.

  2. A difficult time in my life was when I lost my 2nd grandpa. We got a phone call 15 min later were already packed and on the way to the airport. When we arrived we went to his funeral and as soon as I entered the room I see my grandma on the floor crying uncontrollably surrounded by other women. I couldn't help but cry seeing someone I love in this mood and knowing I lost someone I will never see again

  3. A challenge I faced in my life was my first week in my first year in Granada Islamic School. I was home schooled for 2 years and hadn’t went to school in a while so I had forgotten the environment of school. So I was excited, nervous, and scared on the first day. I had breakfast and gathered my items and was ready to leave. When we left we were all walking to school but we were close to being marked tardy so my mom and brother ran but I was caring a bag sideways with one hand not very secure.
    When I was trying to hurry the bag fell and all the things were spread all over the floor and the bag had a huge ripe in it. Such a good start to the first day of school!! A very nice lady who was standing outside helped me clean it up and insisted to carry the bag for me until my brother’s classroom. How embarrassing!! When we finally made it to my classroom, the only thing that comforted me was seeing my two best friends. They saved me a spot next to them. So I didn’t feel lonely or in the middle of new people and a new place.
    I took care of myself not to get to scared or to excited. I took the process of being a new kid slowly. I did what the teacher asked and I listened very carefully so I wouldn’t mess up. I had a great week and till today I still remember the lady who helped me and what my impressions and feelings were that day. I succeeded in overcoming this feeling and not being marked tardy!! This is my difficult challenge that I faced in my life.

    1. i did this is Microsoft but it didn't indent. sorry.

    2. We were all very happy to have you join our school! You can be a great help to other new students who have gone through a similar experience.

    3. nice detailed response! glad you found a way out of the problem

    4. When someone does something kind to you, such as offering their help, it can brighten your day. I'm glad you are at Granada with us! :D

    5. Thx guys and khala Kim I am very happy as well to be at Granada

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My family and I had a very hard time last year when my grandmother, my mom's mother, died. We all had met her in India during summer break and when we came back one day before school started, my family was informed by my mother's brother that my grandmother died. We were all at the airport at that time. We had to overcome the pain and we came back home. We called my grandfather and he said that my grandmother died. Our hearts were broken completely because we had just met her a few days back and now we found out that she had died. My mother cried a lot and could not bear the pain. She was very sad about the fact that she went with so much happiness to meet her and when she came back, she found out about her death. The next day I did not come to the first day of school because my family went to drop my mother at the airport so she could go to India to meet her father.

    On the second day of school, my brother and I came to school and this was our first year at Granada. We came to school and found our classes. I felt somewhat lonely but I had Zaid sitting next to me who kept me company and gave me a head start in Granada. I still had the pain of my grandmother leaving this world but I tried to keep it to myself and to control my emotions. I think Granada helped me overcome the pain of this tragedy and I forgot that this was a new school and I began to fit in with the school. My family went through a lot of pain. This is the most difficult challenge I have faced in my entire life.

    1. When we go through difficult times, it is comforting to be surrounded by good friends.

  6. sorry I indeted but it doesnt show up

  7. (This is Ayesha typing from Ayah's account)

    Last year, I was faced with a difficult challenge when we had to prepare for the science fair. I really wanted to win, since, even though I have a reputation of being a science nerd, I have never come in the top three places. I was very determined to win the science fair that year. I came up with a very complex experiment and did a lot of research. Afterwards, I practiced my presentation multiple times. I presented the project to the class, and was selected to participate in the school science fair. But the judges didn't understand my project because it was too complex. I did not come in the top three.
    I didn't handle it very well. I was angry at myself for not doing well enough and jealous of the people who had won. Then my science teacher told me that she had selected me to participate in the Synopsys County Science Fair. I was very excited and hoped to use this opportunity to prove myself. I worked hard on improving my data and graphs, board, and presentation. But when I went to the Synopsys, I was asked questions I did not know the answers to. Because of this, I did not receive any sort of award of or honorable mention.
    I was angry at myself again, but then I realized that it wasn't about winning and that it was about doing my best. I also learned that I shouldn't be jealous of others and instead I should be happy for them. I also found out what my weaknesses are and will try to improve them

    1. Great job, Ayesha! You found a solution! Your comments here are very insightful, and I think everyone can benefit from these reminders.

    2. Great job Ayesha! inshallah you will do great this year

  8. One of the greatest difficulties that I had to overcome was when I moved to Jordan. I had not been expecting it at all and came to me as a shock. My first few weeks there were okay, as my whole extended family lived in Jordan, so I had fun. I visited restaurants and theme parks and everything was fine, Then came the first day of school. I was in absolute shock, having studied K-3rd grade in Granada. Everything was different. The teachers were mean and would pick on me. The high school students bullied me, and if I wanted to pray, I would have to do that in this tiny room that was meant for prayer but ended up becoming a high schooler hang out spot. I was very lonely and had no friends. This had a huge impact on my everyday life. I stopped feeling joyful and I dreaded going to school in the morning. Summed up, it was a completely different environment for me; different people, different language, and overall a hostile environment,
    This kept on happening for about two to three months. Eventually, I had slowly started making friends.My parents had conferences with the principal about various issues, such as the prayer room issue and the bullying issue. The problems didn't fully disappear, but they drastically declined. I had a nice group of friends, which meant I stopped being targeted and bullied. I gradually got used to these new conditions. The Arabic teachers now understood that I had lived all my life in the US and that they couldn't expect me to be at the same level of those who lived in Jordan their entire life.
    In the end, I never fully got used to that school, but it was a huge improvement as regards to my first day. There were still many problems in that school, but I trained myself to adapt to them. When I returned to Granada last year, I fully understood the blessing I was in to be going to a Muslim school with considerate teachers and students.

    1. It seems as though you learned a great deal about yourself from that experience. Living in a new environment is a huge challenge, but you were able to make the best of it. We are certainly glad you are back!

    2. Life in Jordan seems to be a lot different than life in America. My cousin and I are constantly comparing each other's schools. If I went to school there, there would be a lot of pros and cons, but I can only imagine how unfamiliar it would feel.

  9. One of the greatest difficulties I had to face in my entire life was (believe it or not) Granada's annual Ridwan Scholarship. Back when I was in sixth grade, I was a very bad student and had a very low GPA. When the school announced the Scholarship, I decided to take the plunge. The reason I entered and why I wanted to win is because since I was a very bad student, I thought that if I won, people would stop looking at me as a failiure and see something from me. As soon as I entered, the judges gave out the topic on which we were supposed to write about and so, I created a long and good powerpoint on the topic. On the day of my presentation, I was so nervous that I couldn't talk for a long time. When the judges came in, I started my presentation nicely and at the end, the judges were so surprised and couldn't come up with any questions to ask me. I even saw tears come out of one of the judge's eyes! In fact, I was pretty surprised myself! After a long moment of silence the judges came up with some questions. I answered them all correctly and went home happily. But...when the day came that they were going to annonce the winner, I was extremely nervous. Khala Lian pulled out the envelope and read: "And the winner is......Zaid Yousef!" Congratulations Zaid!" Me? I was so unhappy, I dragged my feet outside to the playground and sat on the freezing cold benches, crying. I didn't win? this was me saying: "OMG I lost!" I was so jealous of Zaid I didn't talk to him or even LOOK at him. Then Zaid came over to me and said: "Hey Saadat, it's all right that you didn't win. "Insha'allah you will win next time." I was so satsfied that Zaid actually came and congratulated me although I didn't win. I started to get angry but I stopped and told myself: "Hey, there's always a next year" This is how I got over a BIG problem that could have depressed me for another year and a half.

    1. The Radwan scholarship was a great learning experience. Even though I didn't win, I really enjoyed the experience.

    2. Same here but I was just sad that I didn't win.

    3. You are making excellent progress in school, and even if you were not, you should NEVER consider yourself a failure. You are a very nice, humble person with many wonderful qualities. You bring a very enthusiastic energy into our classroom. Never give up--with only one award, not everyone can win the prize, but we all win when we accept each other and are proud of each other!

  10. Last year, I had faced a very difficult challenge; my brother, Abdullah, was hospitalized due to asthma. When I first heard the horrible news, I felt devastated and scared for my brother, for he was only three. The next day I went to school, and on the way, I was crying for him because I missed our little conversations that we usually had on our way to school. After school everything felt different. My parents were at the hospital with my brother so I went home with my cousins, and at night I visited him. When I saw his condition, I got even more frightened, because his oxygen was low and he his heart was beating very fast. The doctor's assured me that he would be home in a day or two, but I was unsure judging by his condition.
    That whole week was very hard. My grandma came to help, but the house felt very lonely without my brother. Memories about how I used to play with my brother flooded in my mind, but I told myself he would be fine Insha Alllah and started making dua. When my mom came home for a little bit, I asked if I could go back to the hospital and see my brother again. She said I couldn't, as he was moved to a different part of the hospital where children were not allowed. That got me frustrated, because I couldn't even see my own brother. My grandma comforted me when my mom went back to the hospital, and I felt a little better.
    Two days later, I had received joyous news: my brother was able to come home. I was so happy. I helped my grandma clean up and waited eagerly for my brother to come. When I saw him, I gave him a big hug. I was so happy to see him. Then my dad surprised us with a visit from our uncle. Then my cousins came, and we all celebrated Abdullah coming home. He was still quite sick and he recovered slowly, but Alhamdullilah he eventually got better. That challenge was really hard on me, but Alhamdullilah I got through it and my brother got better.

    1. Alhamdulilah he is better now 😊😊

    2. Mash'Allah your brother is better now. We all made du'a for him. You have a very strong family!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Early this year, I faced a very frightening and treacherous challenge. I chose to participate in a Boy Scout activity, which was to hike to the top of Mission Peak. Yes, it sounds fun, and it was fun, but it was extremely difficult. Mission Peak is a 7 and 1/2 mile round trip, going up, and coming back down, 3.75 miles each. Also, Mission Peak is so steep at the top, it's scary. Basically, the reason I had such a hard time was because I wore the wrong shoes! Now this, was a problem. The reason this problem even existed was because earlier that day in the morning, during the rush to get on the road, I had absolutely no clue where my hiking boots were! Now, whenever you hike up any hill or mountain, an essential need is hiking boots! And I had them, but I just didn't know where they were. So, I just decided to where my normal running shoes that I wore to school. That was a very bad choice because later, you will find out. We got to Mission Peak just in time, and we started. The first 2 miles were easy. Then, the 3rd mile was when it got hard, but it was possible to hike up. Then, the last 0.75 miles, it was extremely tricky. For starters, there was a 15 degree path that was completely made of rock. At first, I was hiking up at my own pace, but then suddenly, I slipped. Luckily, I was near the side of the path, where there were rocks, so when I fell, I was able to grip a medium sized rock. While I was on the floor, I was frightened to get back up, my heart was pounding, and only one question went through my mind, "how am I going to reach the top of Mission Peak when I already slipped down here?". After a long minute or so, my Scoutmaster asked me what was wrong, I told him my story, about how I slipped and was scared to get back up. He gave me an answer that made a spark of determination grow into a flame, this was because I knew he believed in me! The answer was that, "you have to try, and I know you can do it". Slowly, I got up wit his help and carried on. Right after I finished hiking up the first obstacle, the second and final obstacle came right off the bat! It was a 25 degree trail fully made up of dirt and a few stones. Now this, was the true challenge! With help of an adult, I hiked up cautiously with my own pace. After a stressful 15 or 20 minutes, I finally reached the peak. I was never this overjoyed to reach the top of a mountain. There, we had lunch and took some photos, and we slowly hiked down. After a few hours, we reached the bottom. I was able to overcome my problem and my fear, and I learned a valuable lesson, always wear the right shoes while hiking!

    1. Great story! This sounds like an exciting challenge!

  13. I had many difficulties in my life believe it or not, but instead of worrying about the past, we have to hope for the future, that us what i did in this problem that came to me.

    I was around 5 years old at the time, you know, a very energetic and hyper kid who always caused problems. Your typical 5 year old kid. I also did not know about the problem until i was 7 and understood it when i was 10. Anyways, my father was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. A very serious disease that cannot be cured if not rushed in early. My dad passed away when i barley even knew my ABC's and how to speak properly. After that day when my dad died, my mom hid it from me because normally, any good mother will not tell their son that their father died when he is the age of 5, but on the other hand, my brother was 10 at the time and was very sad. I really respect my mom for staying strong and teaching my brother and I how to be a mature and be a normal citizen. She was playing both the mom and the dad and i am very grateful for a mom like her. This is something i have to live through my whole life knowing that my dad is not here, i used to always ask my mom "where is daddy?" "where is daddy?". When i finally realized that he was gone i used to be very depressed. But then, when i went to Granada, i felt like i was accepted there for who i was and what happened to my family. They were very supportive to me, especially My teacher Mrs A. and my friends Aamir, Jeebo, and Omar because he knows how i feel and what situation i am in and we both helped each other out. I hope this touched your heart when reading this because this even touches my heart when i am writing this. The situation is not resolved, and never will be resolved, and i had to accept that. But luckily, i had friends to be there by my side help me through that phase, Thank you guys, You helped me more than you think.

    1. allah yerhamhu, may allah take him and all of us to jannah inshaallah

    2. Allah yerhamu, may allah let him be in jannah inshallah

    3. Allah Yerhamu Nur, you have gone through a lot but it has also made you a better and stronger person and we all respect you for that.

    4. You are a very brave person, Nur. You have become very strong, and you have developed a great deal of empathy for the feelings of others. You are a very good role model for other people who have gone through a similar ordeal. I really admire how much you respect your mom and appreciate everything she does for you. Thank you for sharing this difficult experience so openly so that others may learn from your experience!

    5. I know how you feeI I remember I was at the gathering at your house with my mom I will never forget that day i really didnt understand why everyone was crying when I was older I understood it really touched my heart that day is foverever in my mind inshallah he will have place in jannah Allah yerhamu

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. One time that I faced a very difficult challenge was when my sister cut her little toe when she was one years old in the park. I got really scared because there was a lot of blood flowing. My mom quickly took us to the Emergency in the Hospital to see if she needed stitches. The doctor said she will need stitches but she will be fine. The bad thing though was that my dad was on a business trip. He had left the night before this happened and my mother did not tell him because he might come home early and miss his meeting. I was feeling very scared because my dad was not there. When my dad came home, he saw my sister’s foot which was completely wrapped up. He asked what had happened and my mother told him. My dad was really happy that everything was okay.

    1. It is very good that you were there to help your family handle this. Injuries are very stressful, and it takes a strong person to rise to the challenge to help!

  16. When my mother was in the sixth grade, she faced an embarrassing problem of a case of plantar warts on her right hand. When given the choice between a treatment of daily ointment or painful liquid nitrogen freezing, she chose the 'less painful', the ointment. After a few days of treatment, my mom's hand swelled up so big, she said it look like puffy bubbles shooting out across her hand! As it turned out, the special ointment was made from poison oak extract, which my mom is highly allergic to. To make matters worse, it was a school day and her dad, my grandpa, would never let her skip school, even when she was sick. There was no getting around it; how could she go to school and keep her blistering, oozing hand a secret! How could she keep her secret under wraps? It was then that the idea struck her: wear her soft, light pink gloves. It would be much easier to feel embarrassed about wearing winter things out of season then having to explain what was wrong with her hands. As it turned out, my mom's creative solution was successful. Nobody at school even bothered to ask her about why she was wearing gloves.

    1. That sounds like a very painful experience for your mom. I'm glad she found a solution!

  17. We all know how hard it is to find a science fair project, but when you find your project you usually have an out come or a result, but what happens when your project fails? Well last year my sister had a project about how to separate lactose from milk, she had a variety of milk and at that time it was a pretty good idea. She gathered all the supplies and chemicals needed for that project. There was a step, which required a certain chemical to be placed in the freezer, but to watch over it to make sure it didn’t freeze. My sister did the exact same thing but accidentally left it in there for too long and it froze! Luckily my sister had started her project early and had time, but it took about a week for it to thaw out. When it finally thawed out my sister started on her project right away, somehow along the way she messed up a step and it failed what was worse was it was also on the last day! So my sister just wrote what happened on her board and presented the next day. Surprisingly the teacher was quite nice about it and said mistake like this happens but told her not to do it again. At the end of the day my sister learned her lesson and decided next time to do a project that was guaranteed to have a result or an out come at least.

    1. Those science fair projects can be really tricky! You have given many students some important advice by posting this story, since it's almost that time of year again when everyone must work on their science fair projects.

  18. A challenge I faced in my life was when my grandmother passed away. She was the nicest person ever. She died of cancer and water in her lungs. It was a very hard struggle in life. She was nice to everyone no matter what. The really sad thing was that my dad and uncle were heading to Palestine the next day. They heard the news that my grandmother had already passed away before they left. None of us got to meet her before her death besides my family members in Palestine who lived with her. It was very sad news to hear. We had a huge gathering at our house for her. I felt very sad for all my aunts and uncles.So all my dad and uncle had the chance to do was to bury her. It is very sad to do this because the thought burying your mom and never meeting her again till the hereafter is very hard and depressing to do. I miss her so much. May Allah take her and all of us to Jannah inshallah. Allah yerhamha.

    1. Allah yerhamha May Allah make her from the people of Jannah in the highest levels ammen

    2. This was a very difficult time for your family. It seems you have all learned to become very strong and supportive of each other after such a devastating loss.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. a challenge i faced was when i was about to get killed in palestine when i was 8 because im american.

    1. so basicly what happened was the just came and pulled iut a knife but luckily someone held them back so i could run.

    2. You need to add more details to your story so that we can understand why this was happening and what you were able to do about it. This sounds like a very terrifying experience. I hope that you have been able to talk to someone about your feelings.

  21. A challenge I faced one time was when I was riding my bike one time around Lake Elizabeth I think; and what happened was that I was just learning how to ride a bike and I fell causing me to flip my bike on myself and get crushed by it. Now as I got up, I checked my body to make sure that I hadn't injured myself too bad. So after checking everything and it seemed normal, I must have not looked at my hands or something because what I didn't notice was my left hand had a huge rock stuck in it. As I skipped over this very important part, I casually hopped on my bike again not realizing I was leaving a lot of blood around there. When my mom finally called me to tell me we were leaving, she noticed the rock and immediately asked me what happened. I told her I didn't even notice it. So now we had the problem of the rock stuck inside my hand. We debated whether or not to take it out because if I took out the rock, I could get a infection which would lead to multiple problems. The other option was too leave it there which at first seemed like a good idea until we realized the rock can also hold bacteria and spread throughout my hand. Atlast, we decided to take it out near the lake and wash it out to make sure the bacteria doesn't spread. In conclusion, I realized the best way to face a problem is to face it calmly.

    1. ...And I hope you visited a doctor to also look at your injury. This sounds like it must have hurt a lot!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. As most of you may know, my brother and I were born in Florida. We lived there for a couple of years and then moved to seattle. When I was told that I would be leaving for good, I felt extremely sad, Florida was my home country and I used to think that would always be. In Seattle, I was happy to see that there was snow and slowly I started making friends. Just when I had begun to feel comfortable there, I heard awful news; I was going to move to California. I began to feel so sorrow, I had to leave my friends, my school, and my home for the second time, but this time I was older, and I was more aware of what was happening. My parents reminded me that I had felt the same way about Seattle, that comforted me a bit. As I arrived at the airport, a beautiful californian sunshine greeted me, my fear slowly began to end. I slowly began to make friends. I also couldn’t have been more blessed to meet my granadian friends and till today they support me, helping me become a better person.

    1. Moving far away from friends is always a difficult challenge. You are very good at making friends, so you will be able to settle in wherever you go!

  24. About two years ago when I went to Jordan we has lot's of fun there and we were going to somewhere but while on the way my, grandfather bought some figs off the street from some guy that was selling them and I ate a couple and a while later I started to throw up every time I tried to eat and when I tried to take medicine. I felt my body getting weaker and weaker that I needed some to help me walk. My Dad and Mom decided to take me to the hospital and after a while I felt better and regained all my energy and I was back to normal again. I felt very good the next day and I was also very happy and felt like I could do anything.

    1. I'm glad you felt better very quickly! Illness while traveling is a very difficult challenge.

  25. One time when I faced a very difficult challenge was when my brother recently my brother tripped on my zuca bag and fell down. This happened in the parking lot so the ground was rough and had sharp rocks on it. when he tipped there was blood on and in his nose and his mouth. Immediately, I became worried Did he break any of his teeth? Did this all happen because of my bag? I was eager to know what really happened.so, we went to the cafeteria and got some ice. On the way there I kept saying to myself that my brother didn't fall because of me and I kept repeating it,but then I realized it only made me more worried that i might have caused his fall.When we got home my mom checked it thoroughly and concluded that he had bit his tongue and lip. I was so relieved that it was minor and not too big. Maybe I had said that too soon because my mom also figured out his nose was swollen because of the impact on his nose when he fell. A few days later, the swelling went down and he seemed alright once again!

    1. Ouch! I'm glad he is okay! It sounds like you really do care about your brother, and I'm sure he appreciates your concern.

  26. All people have faced challenges during their life. They face challenges even now and they will face more so later on. Even now, wrinting about challenges I face one now. What do I write? ........ I'm going to write about a particularly challenging and difficult challenge.
    This challenge is patience. As everyone knows, patience is very difficult to acquire. Now, as I work, my cousin is hitting me with a hard plastic bean stuffed bear on my head. This is one example of trying my patience. By not yelling at him, I try to be patient. Ofcourse, as people know, patience eventually runs out and the inevitable happens. As I work, I imagine the wonderous and bloody image I spin of me tackling him and yelling at him as he begs me to stop. It is enough for me to satisfy my revenge on fantasies.
    Often, though, that is not the case. Once, I was going to sleep and my mom barged in, dragged me to the bath, and had me take a shower. It was 10 pm at night and I almost yelled at her. The whole time my drowsiness was decreasing and when I finally got back into bed at 10:35 pm I found I couldn't sleep. The next morning, when I finally came awake I yelled at my mom for about 2 minutes straight.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. In my pint of view, I was successful in being moderately patient and that to me is the cause of a giant celebration.

  27. A challenge I once faced two years ago was when my little brother was killed by a disease that attacked his heart then soon after killed him. In the week that he was killed the doctor told my family that he was recovering from a minor cold, which was completely wrong because that same week my mother rushed in to the dining room with my youngest brother, Yousef in her arms with his eyes rolled back to the tip of his eyelids and his arms and legs limp which showed that he was obviously unconscious. At the site of this my oldest brother and I called 911 quickly, the police and the ambulance arrived within the next 10 minutes, as quick as they came they were gone with my brother taking my brother to the nearest hospital. My oldest brother and I waited in the waiting room while my parents were with my little brother. That night my oldest brother and I were taken to my mother’s friend’s house that we stayed at for the rest of the week. Two days after he was rushed to the hospital I was told he was dead and today was his funeral. I spent weeks in denial of his death, then it finally hit me like a bus that he was dead and I would never see him again. I learned from this experience that you can never avoid tragedy but you can always prepare for it, because if life hits you with a bus you won’t see it coming so always be prepared. If life rains on you with tragedy be prepared and have an umbrella. The last thing I would want to say is never do anything that makes you extremely unhappy as my little brother’s last words were: “be happy”.

    1. I know how you feel, I know it was hard, but it is good you fought through it. It was probably harder for you than it was for me since you were older, Insha'Allah we will both see my dad or your brother in Jannah, Allah yerhamu

    2. Allah yerhamhu. I miss him too. I remember he used to be that kid who would follow you. Whenever you need anything just ask because that's what friends are for .

    3. Allah yerhamhu May Allah make him from the highest level with the prophet Muhammad (ص) amen

    4. I remember this very well, Noor, and I was so proud of you and your older brother for helping your mom and dad through this difficult time. Alhamdulilah I attended your brother's janaza. We all make du'a for his place in Jannat. You and your family are very special people, and we can all learn so many things from you in handling such a difficult situation.

  28. Many people face many different challenges. A difficult challenge I faced was when I was in fourth grade, and had entered a public speaking competition called Ideal Kids. I didn’t know anyone there and was very nervous.
    First, there was an art competition which I entered. Then there was the public speaking contest. It was divided into two parts- the chosen topic, and the impromptu speaking contest. When the time for the impromptu had come, and my name was called, I nervously climbed up the stairs behind the stage curtain, picked a topic randomly from a jar, and as soon as the announcer announced my name, which he pronounced wrong, I walked onto the stage. There were so many people! But then I remembered the tip someone gave me- pretend all the people were bunnies and kittens, and I applied that tip. I started to speak, and my voice echoed throughout the hall. My topic was why T.V. is bad for you. I remembered the advice my parents gave me about not watching too much T.V., and to eat carrots, for it helps your eyesight. I gathered all the other information into an order in my mind, and spoke clearly. After I finished, I exited the stage, leaving the applauding stage behind me. When the time for judging came, I didn’t hear my name in any of the first two competitions. I very sure I wouldn’t win for the impromptu contest.
    As I walked up to receive my trophy, I was glad I faced this challenge. I learned that if you want to win, you have to be able to face the challenge.

    1. Great job, Misbah! You are very good at meeting challenges. You are also an excellent speaker. May you enjoy many more future successes!

  29. A very difficult situation i have went through is when my dad received the stroke.He got the stroke the day after we came back from LA on a Sunday when he was going to work and me and my siblings were out at a quran class.When we were leaving from the class my mom called and told us that my dad got the stroke and went to the hospital.We have been trying to help him get better by giving him exercises and therapy.He has improved a lot but i can not see a big change but see a few changes.we are trying to stay with the same way we are doing and more and hope not to decrease.There are two things that are amazing ,one is that my dad only had a 20% chance of living and the second is that he is able to talk and move everything except his right hand.This situation has not ended and we are trying to improve my dads skills.Inshallah my dad gets better and is able to wake and be as healthy as before and more.Thankyou.

    1. I remember this very well. You are your family have been very strong as you have lovingly cared for your dad. The entire community makes du'a for his health every day. Your family is a great example of how to help each other in times of difficulty.

  30. A difficult situation that my aunt has been through was when my uncle got paralyzed. When he did, he couldn't work anymore, so my aunt had to go work and earn money for the family. In her spare time, she would help him move around and get things for him, as well as doing the responsibilities of a typical mother. My cousins help too, but they are not always at home. When I went to visit them, her condition made me unhappy. She was tired and exhausted from all the work, but I appreciate how much effort she's putting in helping my uncle and maintaining the family. This problem is still going on and might never be fixed, but Insha Allah she will get the rewards she deserves.

    1. May you and your family continue to find strength and support in each other. It is such a difficult challenge when someone's health has been comprised. I am very glad to see the high level of respect for everything your aunt does. I am sure you are a great help and comfort to her.

  31. A difficult situation that my whole family went through including me was when my grandfather passed away. In June my mother got a call from my aunt in Pakistan and she said that my grandfather died, In the past he had diabetes. She also said that they took him to the hospital and once he got there his liver failed. When my mom heard that she started crying. They were speaking urdu so I didn't understand why my mom was crying. I kept on asking her she kept on crying. Then my dad told me what happened I felt bad for my mom and i was also sad because my grandfather died. That same year in january we went to see him, and 5 months later he past away. His funeral was going to be in a week or two so my mom had to get a emergency ticket which was so hard to get and before she left I kept on asking her if i could go with her she said "No". She was gone for to weeks! I was never without my mother for 2 weeks. I was crying for about a week. The next week I was talking to her on Skype and I was so happy i could talk to her. She was telling me it was really hot over there and it was raining, also that they had people come over for my grandfather. Even after my mom came back she was still sad because of course if someone dies it's never fun and if i had to go through the same thing it would be very sad.

    1. It is very difficult when a loved one passes away. This was a very difficult challenge for you and your family. I'm sure you all miss your grandfather very much. We all pray for his place in Jannah.


  32. One of my most difficult times as an athlete was finding a sport that I liked and excelled at after I quit gymnastics, a sport had played my entire life. After quitting gymnastics, I went through a hard time. I tried playing tennis, ice skating, I even spent sometime not playing a sport at all until I came across basketball. Basketball was a new idea to me and something I enjoyed, so I per sued the sport.
    Learning basketball was quite a challenge. Everyone around me had been playing since they were young and were much better than me. However, I was determined to learn to play the sport and become as good as everyone else. I spent hours outside of class practicing what I had learned. I payed attention and always tried my hardest. Unfortunately, I still wasn't as good a the rest of my team. It would take more than a couple months to become as skilled as people that had been playing their whole lives. I continued to practice but I needed more help. I signed up for private lessons to get individual instructions. Eventually, I started making a lot of progress, fast. However, I am still a work in progress. I haven't reached my goal yet. Though, I continue to work on it.
    Learning to play basketball is difficult and still not a challenge that I have completely fulfilled. Learning to play basketball is a hard and long process, but I know that one day, I will have completed this challenge.

    1. It is really difficult to learn something new, especially when it requires so many skills! You are a good example of someone who works very hard to meet a new challenge!

  33. One of my most difficult challenges was when I was 10 I tried roller-skating. It all started when my dad came home one night and said he got a surprise for me. When he took out the new roller-skates, I was happy but my mom thought it was a bad idea. She said that if I try to roller-skate I might break my leg. For the first 2 weeks I kept on trying but failed. When I was about to quit, I tried them again and I got the hang of it. After that day I still roller-skate, but my mom still thinks it’s a bad idea.

  34. I love roller skating! I have been doing it all my life. However, it can be dangerous. One time, a few years ago, when I was chaperoning my fifth grade class during a roller skating field trip, a student grabbed onto me as she was falling. We both fell down very hard, and I broke both of my arms! Even though it can be dangerous sometimes, I still like to roller skate. Now I just make sure I wear much more protective gear!

  35. It is hard to go through a challenge but its harder to conquer it. And that's what makes you a better person but if you fall from the challenge you get back up and try to conquer it one more time until you win.
