Sunday, November 8, 2015

November News

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Choose one of the news articles from the current issue of Upfront Magazine. Write a response to the article of your choice based on your answers to the following questions:

What did you learn that you didn't know before reading the article?
What is your opinion on this issue and why?
What other comments do you have about this week's magazine?

After writing your response, leave some comments on the seventh, eighth, and ninth grade students' blog responses.


  1. The article I chose to talk about is "South Korea's Spy Phones". Something that I learned from this article is that South Koreans under the age of 18 HAVE to download the app and that it is the LAW. My opinion on the article is that it's an invasion of privacy for example if somebody just want to relax and not have a feeling that someone can see where you are.But the government in South Korea thinks that it's meant to "shield young South Koreans from harmful content". Some other comments I have for this weeks article is that it was interesting because one of the article is about teenagers and their life.

    1. wow that is very interesting and now i want to read more about this article and i know i have not read the article but it sounds like it really invades people privacy.

    2. This is Ayesha typing from Ayah's account.

      I agree with you that the law stating that all smartphone users under 18 must download an app that tracks everything on their smartphone is a major violation of privacy. I don't think anyone would feel comfortable with their parents and the government being able to see what they do on their phones, even if they're not doing anything wrong.

    3. This is very interesting and I also wrote about it too. :)

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    5. Some people might like that idea, but I agree with you and say it is slightly creepy to know that someone knows what your doing, and kids/teenagers should be trusted. If you can't trust your child with a smartphone, don't give it to them!

    6. I agree with you Hafsa. It is an invasion of privacy, anyone would feel very uncomfortable if someone was spying on them.

  2. The article that really caught my eye was the 24 year old girl who has started to live without trash. She started to buy package free food and even made her own toothpaste and deodorant! I learned from this article that America actually produces a LOT of trash! Americans around the country produce on an average of 4 pounds a day! That's 1460 pounds per year! That much of trash comes from only one person. I think that we should really cut down on trash and use eco-friendly items. If we used as much trash as Lauren Singer did, America's trash would cut down by a lot!

    1. I agree very much. I hope this can happen in our schools and homes if we all try

    2. I agree, we all need to work to reduce trash and be more conservative.

    3. That is very interesting that if people really care about the world, they can work hard enough to save it and keep it clean. I agree that we all need to work together to keep our environment clean.

    4. I also enjoyed this article too... the Earth would be so much more cleaner if we were aware of how much how much trash we were throwing daily. Good job!

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    6. I agree with you. Helping out the environment in any way is helping ourselves in the long run.

  3. The article that was very interesting to me, was the article about "Japan's Robot Hotel". This article was interesting because it explained how Japan made a hotel that had robot receptionists, a robot that escorts guests to their room, and robotic room attendants that switch lights off and on. Basically, there was a robot instead of humans, doing all those hectic jobs. This was interesting because it also states that robots will soon compete for jobs done by humans.

    1. Technology is developing so rapidly these days! I too was interested in this article.

    2. This article was also very interesting. I agree.

  4. One article that caught my eye was young mihir garimella inventing a life saving drone at age sixteen from Pennsylvania this proves that not all teens in this generation are stupid and lazy I like how this kid decided and did the impossible at such a young age I'm really amazed by his invention and I think you be too

    1. Yes, the invention that he made was extremely amazing. I agree.

  5. The article that stood out the most to me was about the 16 year old boy who created a rescue drone for people who are in danger. This article conveyed to me how we can make technology that can help save lives of people. A drone these days costs people tens of thousand of dollars. The cheapest drone I have ever seen was $4,999.99 on the Apple Store. The thing that is very good about the drone that Mihir Garimella made is that the price he has planned to keep it at is $250. This way, organizations that save lives of people who are in danger can buy the drones in bulk. If we used this drone, we could probably save many lives in places where people are in danger such as Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. This device can help the world and can save many lives.

    1. There are a lot of drones at Apple's website available for sale. They are very high tech. But, Apple doesn't supply the $4999.99 drone anymore. They stopped a few weeks back. They have a drone with a camera attached to it for about $1250. Its meant for professionals. There are other cheaper ones too.

  6. My favorite article was, as Yumna said, The robot hotel. I was really intriuged by this since I'm a big fan of robots, and since I like robots that help people with everyday jobs. It also made me realize that humans around the globe are actually getting lazier and lazier day by day since now they are inventing MACHINES to do jobs that they are supposed to do. Now, instead of getting paid because humans work, humans are now paid for the work that MACHINES do for them. The idea of a Robotic hotel is nice, but there are some downfalls to it too. What will happen if a theif sneaks into the hotel and reprogram the robots to kill people, or to steal people's things. But overral, this event is leading us one step farther into the future.

    1. This article shows that we are advancing into a more technology relied world, and humans are taking a back seat and letting their inventions work for them. But we should also realizes that we can not give the gear to the hands of robots completely because if there is even one glitch in the robot, the hotel will not function. Also, the robot might might disfunction and charge a customer more that they have to pay or send them to the wrong room to stay in!

  7. I was very amazed to find out how fattening American foods are these days. America's calories started to increase from the 1980s, when people could grow food rapidly in enormous amounts through fertilizers, pesticides, and high-tech machines. But, now, America started to go on a diet. People have stopped drinking soda for the sake of the amount of fat in it. But, compared to other countries, America still has a long was to go. Here are some examples of the foods:
    1. A Double Whopper with cheese, a large onion rings, and a 12 oz vanilla shake= 2,040 calories
    2. A Sonic Peanut Butter Fudge Malt= 2,020 calories
    3. An IHOP Classic Skillet with sausage and a 16 oz orange juice= 1,940 calories
    4. Two slices of Meat Lover's Pizza with Stuffed Crust from Pizza Hut, a 32 oz Mountain Dew, two cookies, and chicken wings with blue cheese= 2,000 calories
    This is far more than I expected how fattening these foods are.

    1. No offense but you're making me HUNGRY!

    2. This is Ayesha typing from Ayah's account.

      I was also very surprised at the amounts of fat and sugar in American food. It is good to hear that people are cutting back on all these unhealthy food, but we all have to work harder to control our temptations and resist foods that are not good for us.

    3. Actually, I don't think Sonic sells their food in California, I mean, I've never seen one in my enire life. Also, all of these companies have very strategical marketing to lure in customers.

    4. I couldn't believe it myself when I read the article. I mean, when we go to any Muslim country, all of this is Halal so when I go there, I always wan to have a burger king burger or something from Mcdonalds. Now I know why people have always told us to avoid junk food.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I'm pretty sure Sonic sells their food in CA.

  8. There were two things that caught my eye under one category being the teens that are making ideas and inventions that are eco-friendly. The thing is that making a drone that helps not kills and destroys people and a method of compiling a lot of trash in a small capacity. I belief that these ideas are helpful and clean the Earth from its dirt and problems of attack and search.I think this because helping people and yourself from bad and dangerous situation is not going to harm you or the environment around you.
    pgs.10-11 upfront Magazine

    1. I agree about your last sentence and think that if we work together, we can keep our environment clean and safe.

  9. A few articles that I found interesting were "HOW CATCHES DOGS IN ACT" and "A DAY IN THE LIFE of an AMERICAN TEEN”. For one thing I think that monitoring the dog DNA is a terrific idea since many owners do leave their dog’s waste lying on the ground. I learned that you can track a dog down just by getting a sample and having their DNA. That was amazing. Also I think the average American teen life bar model I very true.
    Found on pages 4-5 in the upfront magazine

    1. Great job citing your evidence Malak! I found that article interesting too.

  10. One article that caught my eye was the article about America going on a diet (pg. 8-9), because it shows just how bad all of the junk food actually is. I was amazed at how a person can consume 2,000 calories in one meal rather than one day. Some cities have even started banning fast food and sugar because of all the calories they had. This problem has started to decrease ever since it started in the 1980s, but there's still a lot of room for improvement. I thought that this week's magazine was interesting and contained things that we probably never knew before and also contained information that we can use in our daily lives.

    1. I found this article interesting as well. who would have thought that one fast-food meal can have the acquired calorie count for the entire day ! Good job citing your sources :)

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  11. The article that I found interesting is 'America going on a diet'. this is because I never before knew the rate of American fast food consumption. After I read the article I realized that consumption rates are actually improving. This article also helped me realize how bad fast foods are for my health. This is because the calories you need daily to be healthy can be consumed in a single fast food meal. ( Page 8-9 )

    1. I also found that article interesting. A home cooked meal is always the best choice!

  12. The article that I liked the most was "Inside Japan's Robot Hotel" on pgs. 2-3. I learned that even though people thought that they would wait a very long time until a robot will compete for jobs is closer than we think. My opinion on this is that when we were all little and we thought that in the future there would be robots for everything, it is beginning to come true.

  13. This is Ayesha typing from Ayah's account.

    I found many articles interesting in the most recent issue of "Upfront". I'd like to discuss some of these articles and see what other people think of these articles.

    1. A Day in the Life of an American Teen (Pg. 5)

    I found this graph very interesting. Most pieces of data actually really surprised me. I was shocked at the amount of sleep teens get, since most of them complain about not getting enough sleep. I was also surprised by the time of education as compared to social/relaxing time. The time teenagers spend are almost the same, and I couldn't even imagine spending that much leisure time on a weekday. A then piece of data that really shocked me was the volunteering time. How does a teenager spend only 8 minutes a day volunteering? That's like not volunteering at all.

    2. Changing the World (Pg. 10 - 13)

    I found many of these ideas very fascinating. Mihir Garimella's low-price rescue drone is a great idea. This drone could help many countries that are going through crisis.
    I also admire Lauren Singer. I can't understand how she could be so waste-free! I find it fascinating.
    I believe Rene Silva's idea of a local newspaper that can help people express themselves is a great idea. I think other cities and towns all around the world would benefit from using this idea.
    I really admire Sonita Alizadeh. I find her unique way of fighting for women rights very inspiring. I hope it also inspired other girls to pursue their dreams.
    I am shocked that Eric Chen managed to create a program that can suggest cures for the flu! For a long time, no one could find the cure for the flu, until now.

    3. The Migrant Crisis (Pg. 14 - 17)

    I found this article very interesting because I was actually not very aware of the status of migrants and refugees. I cannot imagine being in such a situation. In my opinion, European countries, as well as other prosperous countries such as USA, should allow refugees to settle in the countries and should not try to block them out. These refugees have been through a lot and deserve the right to have a peaceful life.

    4. Are Women Colleges Still Necessary? (Pg. 23)

    In my opinion, yes, women's colleges are necessary. Many women may not go to college because their family or they themselves may not feel comfortable around boys. Women's colleges are also important because they encourage women to pursue careers that usually only men would go into. It also encourages women that just because they are girls, doesn't mean they can do what they dream to do.

  14. One article that really caught my eye is"Finding a cure for the flu'' because I never knew that such a young person could find such a great cure to save thousands of lives. After reading this article, I realized that you do not have to wait to do something that can change the world. Since I am still very young , I usually deny the chances that come. But, Eric Chen just proved that wrong. He is 19 years old and found a cure for the flu that can save many live. So don't think that if you are young, you cant do anything. But that's not true. This article inspired me and i'm pretty sure others to get out there and show the world the knowledge that you have.

    1. I think that this is very fascinating how a very young person can save many lives by finding a cure for the flu.

  15. My favorite article was the one about the robot hotel in Japan. I found it really interesting how a hotel could function without human interference. Guests get checked in, escorted, and checked out by robots. I loved how the place was filled with all of that technology. Just from the few pictures in the magazine, I saw that there were iPads and mini robots everywhere. I wonder if in the future, all hotels, or maybe all jobs, will be run by robots. Another question I had was, What would happen if the hotel was hacked? Would the personal info of people get leaked? I hope they included high security features in all those gadgets.

  16. The article that I found interesting was the one about South Korea's spy phones. There is both good and bad about letting parents access what their children are doing. First, it allows the parents to know what their children are doing but it invades the child's privacy. Another article that was interesting to me was the one about the girl who fit her three years worth of trash. I learned that an average American produces 4 pounds of trash each day and that is a lot. I realized that I should also try to reduce the amount of trash I produce because eventually, it will affect the environment.

    1. I also believe that the South Korean government should not be monitoring children’s mobile activity because it is an invasion of privacy and does not allow children to practice freedom of speech, while the parents might see otherwise because they can monitor their children’s mobile activity.

  17. One article i found interesting was about "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. This article intrigued me because in my opinion,To Kill A Mockingbird was a very interesting story and i liked it a lot. But then, when i heard about how the book she actually wanted to release called "Go Set a Watchman" which was released on July 14, 2015 which was from a totally different perspective in my point of view and it is as if she was totally discriminating African Americans and that totally surprised me because in "To Kill A Mockingbird", she is defending an African American man accused of rape and to think that if the editor didn't tell her to rewrite "Go Set a Watchman" then she would have actually released this book out to the public back then and people would have thought. Anyways i know people have other opinions about it, and whether or not she wanted it published

  18. One article that I found interesting was the one about Japan opening a all robot hotel. I did not know that even making a robot to resemble a human that much was even possible. I only saw a robot that was all white and boxy. I think that it is very cool, but also there is so much that could go wrong. A robot could malfunction and vacuum the wrong things and make a mess. A robot could put your belongings in the wrong room. In the article it says that the population in Japan is aging, so they use robots to fill in all the jobs that aren't taken. Most of the other articles were interesting as well,but I felt I was most interested in this article.

    1. I also found that article very interesting. The technology of this day and age is really amazing!

  19. The article I found interesting was about the 24-year old, Lauren Singer who could fit three years’ worth of her trash into a 16-ounce Mason jar. This surprised me, because after I read this article, I saw how many things we use in daily life she either made, or recycled, such as bandages, toothpaste, and many other things. I also learned that the average American produces more than 4 pounds of trash every day, which is damaging the environment. This article helped me realize how much garbage we produce, and if we just make a few changes to our daily life, we can achieve what Lauren Singer achieved.

    1. I agree, we should really try harder to reduce the amount of garbage we dispose.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. i learned in this issue of upfront magazine how many calories are in junk food, this issue was also more revolving around how much americans consume and liter.

  21. The article that caught my attention was the one about a 24 year old, Lauren Singer who can fit 3 years worth of trash in a 16 ounce mason jar. In the article it states that an average American produces 4 pounds of trash every day,and if you add up all the amount of trash each day that is a lot of trash! Lauren Singer decided to live a zero waste life after she toke notice of how much trash the average American disposes every day. She makes her own toothpaste,deodrant,and bandages. She also started a blog on her zero waste lifestyle and began a business in which she sells handmade beauty and cleaning products.This article bought me to the realization of how much trash is produced by the average American each day and how one person can inspire many people to help the enviroment.

    1. I too was captivated by how a woman can care about the earth as much as to go to the extremes of making her own toiletries and stock her fridge with plastic/wrapping free food.

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  23. The article i was intrigued about was Lauren Singer the living waste free girl on page 11. I was interested because the average every day american has more than 4 pounds worth of trash while she can fit 3 years worth of her trash into a 16-ounce Mason jar. My opinion on this is that we should be more like her and stop wasting resources and just throwing everything away, if we do this it could help the environment out. Comments i have on this weeks blog is that it is mostly focused on how teenagers are doing things different from other people's lives.

  24. One article that caught my eye was the article about America going on a diet (pg. 8-9), because it shows that a lot of Americans are over weight and should go on a diet to lose weight.

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  28. the article that I thought was interesting was "finding a cure for the flu". I thought it was very interesting because the flu can kill many people. And he is only 19!!

  29. For my earlier comment about Lauren Singer I forgot to mention I got this information from the Upfront magazine for October 12th, 2015 titled "Great Minds", I got the article itself from page 11.

  30. An article that I found interesting was titled "America Goes on a Diet". I was surprised to see how many calories are in fast food. We are only supposed to eat 1600-1800 calories per day, yet foods and drinks that are not even that filling, such as a Sonic Peanut Butter Malt, contain 2000 calories or more. In my opinion, I think it is okay to eat those foods once in a while, but eating them frequently can be very dangerous and can cause diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Luckily, America is starting to cut down on fattening foods, and hopefully the foods will stop becoming widespread.

  31. The article that I found interesting was "America Goes on a Diet". It was really interesting how much food was over 2000+ calories even though it looked so little to me. Some people aren't aware of how much food they eat, and they keep eating and eating and they get more lazy and lazier and they later become over-weight. We, should realize how much we are eating and cut it down a notch. Occasionally, its ok to eat some foods that have a lot of calories but eating them constantly is very bad for your health and can cause diabetes.

  32. From Mariam: I found the article, " America Goes on a Diet " really interesting. It talks about how Americans have finally started to consume less calories and obesity rates have stopped rising.Around the 1980s, Americans started gain weight because food prices dropped dramatically due to lots of agriculture production. however, recently, Americans have started to become more aware of their health. Anti-soda messages have made a huge impact on Americans. In 1998, about 40 gallons were purchased by an average American. In 2014, the amount decreased from 40 to 30 gallons of soda purchased by an average American. I think that this is great since obesity rates are decreasing greatly. I learned that Americans that eating delicious, yet unhealthy, foods isn't worth risking their health.

    Thank You,
    Mariam Fahmi, 7A

  33. Very informative comments, everyone. You did a great job keeping up with the news!

  34. In the September 21, 2015 issue of Upfront magazine, there were many interesting articles to read. However, I found the article about tobacco harvesting extremely alarming. In the article by Alessandra Potenza, titled "How a loophole in America's child labor laws lets teens work dangerous jobs harvesting tobacco", she interviewed some of these workers and their responses were shocking. For example, Who's ever heard of working for 12 hours in hot weather without a break? Even schools are regulated and prohibited from that type of exhaustion. I was aware that smoking tobacco is dangerous to our health; however, I had no idea that harvesting tobacco posed a serious health danger. Potenza sites Human Rights Watch statistics that claim 73% of the teens working in tobacco fields suffer serious health issues, including cancer. I'm surprised with all of our rules and regulations about children's safety, that our government continues to allow tobacco corporations to endanger these teens. I wonder if it has anything to do with their ethnic or racial heritage, and if so I'm disgusted! Hasn't anyone heard of equal rights and racial equality?!?! What year is this? What country is this? Seriously, what's going on in the tobacco industry today is NOT okay.
