Monday, September 21, 2015

Teenage Sailing Adventure

What is your opinion of Abby Sunderland's solo sailing adventure? Was it foolish or wise for someone her age to attempt such a trip alone? Refer to your media sources for evidence and cite them with your examples. Due Mon., Sep. 28.


  1. I found Abby Sunderland's blog. The URL is:

    1. I'm pretty sure that Abby still runs her blog, but she doesn't spend as much tim on it as she did before because she's going to college. She's probably busy with all of her work, but I'm pretty sure that she'll start posting some time again soon.

    2. Abby Sunderland also met Jordan Romero who recently became the youngest person to climb Mount Everest!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. She also has a pretty cool Facebook page as well.

    6. i am on it now and wow check it out
      it has more than 155 blog posts concerning only abby and her trip
      a great source of information

    7. PS
      when where there be a new blog.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I believe that it was quite foolish for Abby Sunderland to sail solo around the whole world completely unassisted. It definetley wasn't smart for her parents to agree to let her, a sixteen year-old, to sail by herself around the world. It is in fact, the responsibility of the parents to stop their children from putting themselves at risk and to keep them safe. Abby Sunderland's father, Laurence Sunderland, opposed to this by saying: "Look at how many teenagers die in cars every year. Should we let teenagers drive cars? I think it'd be silly if we didn't." This all leads up to how foolish Marianne and Laurence Sunderland were to let Abby Sunderland go by herself. They were just lucky that Abby Sunderland was alive when the chartered jet located her on June 11,2010. The Sunderlands were just very very lucky.

    Citation: Houghton Mifflin Collections, 9/22/15

    1. Trust me, this was the only place I got my information from.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. For some reason, all my comments are doubling. I have no idea why though...

  4. In my opinion, I think Abby Sunderland was brave to take on the challenge of sailing around the world alone, but I don't think her parents should have let her. Her father is right when he said that modern parents have a tendency to be over-protective of their children (Line 60 Pg. 22), and children should be given a certain amount of freedom, but there is such thing as too much freedom. Experts criticized the decision Abby's parents made and said that it was irresponsible. (Lines 38-40, Page 21)
    Laurence Sunderland, the father, justified their decision by comparing sailing around the world to driving a car; many people have died attempting to do it, but it would be silly to ban it completely. (Line 68, Pg. 22) He has a point, but driving is no where near as dangerous as sailing a boat. When you are driving, there are people around you, so if something malfunctions someone will most likely pull over to help, or you can call someone. When you are sailing, you are in the middle of the ocean alone with nobody to call and a wave could happen at any second. You are also just basing your chance of survival on the odds. Even though Abby's brother Zac did it when he was 17 (Line 34, Pg. 21), that was just luck. Even expert sailors need a crew when they want to make a risky voyage.
    Therefore, I think that allowing Abby to sail around the world solo was not a very good idea, and somewhat irresponsible on behalf of the parents.

  5. My opinion on Abby Sunderland's solo sailing adventure is that it was not a wise solution but not a foolish decision either. I think it was good that she got to have the experience (line 68 and 69), but I also think it wasn't a great idea she went alone. She should've had an expert with her. I only partially blame for not sending a expert with her even though she was taught everything, she might need an extra hand.(line 39 & 40).

    Collections book, pg. 20-22

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree with you, I don't think she should have left alone but it was still a good experience for her.

  6. I don't think that Abby Sunderland's parents should have let her go in to the ocean alone with no expert with her. She looked very young and I don't think she was good enough to go solo. Even though she had to prove herself she wasn't ready if a storm came. She was very lucky to have survived as Michael Kalin said. Her dad was a boat builder who teaches sailing and he said that Abby had thousands of miles of experience solo. But Abby couldn't even drive a car without a learner's permit, so how could she be able to sail solo around the world. Sunderland was following the achievement of her brother,Zac, who had made the solo journey around the world at the age of 17, becoming the youngest person in the world to do so.(Lines 32-35 Page:21). I think it is a horrible decision to do this and in my opinion this adventure of Abby was just a publicity stunt. I think she only wanted fame. She is on social media and she has her own movie based on her adventure. Many people who tried to rescue her could have died themselves. This is what I think of Abby Sunderland's adventure in the ocean.

  7. IN my opinion it was foolish because she could have killed herself and others. when she gets to gthe age of 25 she should try it but she would not break the record.

  8. In my opinion, I think it was irresponsible and dangerous for Abby Sunderland to sail solo around the world alone at a very young age on a 6 month voyage. There are many reasons why I think this. First, it was careless on her parents’ part, as they were the ones who allowed her to go even though she was only 16 years old. As in the article, her father, Laurence Sunderland said that it would be silly if we don’t let teenagers drive cars (Lines 65-68 Page:22) when he was giving an example to compare to sailing, but he did not think about the obvious fact that driving cars and sailing are different, especially the environment, and how fast help will come if something breaks down, or if there are glitches in the equipment. Second, she was following her brother, Zac, who was the youngest person to sail solo around the world at the age of 17. (Lines 32-35 Page:21) Lastly, many sailing experts were criticizing Abby Sunderland and her parents’ decision for her to go on this journey, such as Derrick Fries, who said that in Abby’s case, she was just very lucky.(Lines 44-47 Page:21) In a nutshell, I think Abby Sunderland’s decision to sail solo alone was a hazardous, and risky thing to do.

  9. I personally think that letting Abby go on such a dangerous trip alone was not a good idea. Abby lost communication with her parents for two days and apparently, the rescue was an estimated cost of $30,000. (Abc News June 15th,2010) Her parents shouldn’t have even let her go by herself and then cause so much money to be used for her safety. The rescue itself included a search which involved Australia, America and France. (The guardian June 12th, 2010) The captain of the French boat that saved Abby fell in the water and it took a really long time to fish him out of the water and this could have killed him. (The guardian June 12th ,2010) Abby going by herself and then causing so much effort from rescue workers to save her is mainly her parents fault. They shouldn't have let her go since she was so young and even if she was well-experienced, anything could happen out in the ocean, especially when you are alone.

  10. In my opinion I think it was both foolish and wise of Abby to go alone on a solo trip. It was brave that she was following in her brother Zac’s footstep. Zac made an achievement of a solo journey around the world when he was 17 years old. He became the youngest in the world to do so. (Lines 33-36 page: 21) But also it was very foolish of Abby to go alone on a solo trip around the world. She risked the lives of many rescue workers. (Line 20 page: 24) Also I agree with other people that maybe someone should have stepped in with some parenting standards. It was dangerous for Abby to go on the solo trip alone. (Lines 36-37 page 25). In conclusion I think it was both foolish and brave for Abby to go on a solo trip alone. But I am leaning more towards the foolishness of Abby and here parents.

    Collections book

  11. in my opinion i think what abby did was a failed attempt at greatness. failed attempts at greatness usually result in great consiquences, if she succeeded she would have recieved great praise with minimal critisicm. There are different methods of parenting,this compared to others is nothing but it was still a bad idea never the less.

  12. In my opinion it was foolish and unsafe that the parents made the decision to let Abby attempt this very dangerous voyage of sailing around the world alone. In many ways it was unsafe for not only Abby but for the people who came looking for her, it states in lines 26-29 that the captain of the French vessel fell into the water and was fished out of with difficult conditions. This journey risked Abby’s life too because if she wasn’t found by the French vessel she would have probably drowned with her boat. Her parents stated “look at how many teenagers die in cars every year. Should we let teenagers drive cars? I think it’d be silly if we didn’t.” this just shows how foolish they really are because driving cars maybe risky but however letting a sixteen year old attempt a world voyage in a sail boat alone is not only risking the teenager’s life but possibly many others such as the coast guards’. Overall I think it was foolish and irresponsible for the parents to allow their daughter’s voyage.
    Collections book (pages 20-22)

  13. In my opinion, Abby was fully capable of taking the journey. Storms are unpredictable, and what happened to Abby could even happen to an adult professional sailor. Age did not matter in that specific situation. She was responsible and I assume that any other sailor would do what she did after the storm occurred. If a storm were to hit an adult sailor attempting the journey, he would get little to no criticism, even if the same event happened to him and he reacted in the same way. Abby could have more skill than an adult. In the end, I see that this journey was based more on skill than age, and that Abby had enough skills to attempt it.
    Collections Book (Sep 27,2015)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I do agree with you Zaid mostly because she had a chance to attempt the journey and although she didn't quite make it, she tried her best and had support from her parents. Good job!

  14. In my opinion, Abby should not have gone on the journey. Storms can happen anytime, and Abby risked the lives of emergency workers because of her selfish desire to become a world renowned sailor. Her age did not matter in that situation because not only is it her fault but also the responsibility of her parents. In the end, her parents further deemed themselves of being irresponsible by pointing out the every day dangers of driving. “Look at how many teenagers die in cars every year. Should we let teenagers drive cars? I think it’d be silly if we didn’t.” they stated. driving. there is phone connection and other cars and people around. In the ocean, you see other boats once a week of ever.In the ocean, there is little chance of being rescued.
    Collections Textbook

    1. I do not think that Abby had the skills to attempt the journey.

  15. (This is Ayesha typing from Ayah's account.)

    My opinion is that going on a solo trip around the world at the age of 16 was a very foolish idea and that the parent were being irresponsible when the allowed their daughter to go on this trip. Both the parents and Abby herself overestimated her abilities.

    Her trip was extremely dangerous. Her communications were cut off and her boat was greatly damaged. (Page 20, Lines 14-16). She also endangered others. The captain of a French boat fell in the water while attempting to save her. (Page 21, Lines 26-29)

    Her trip was also illegal. She did not have a learner's permit, but managed to because of her fame and endorsement. (Page 25, Lines 41-45) She also missed school, and would have missed 6 months of it, which is also illegal, as Nur mentioned in class today.

    I don't think Abby did this because it was her dream. I believe it was sibling rivalry. Her brother, Zac Sunderland, had achieved this record when he was 17. My friends often tell me about how it is at home with siblings, and it seems that parents often compare siblings to other siblings when another sibling does something good. An example is when one sibling gets all A's on their report card and the other doesn't. I think her parents were comparing her to the point that she felt she had to break her brother's record.

    Despite all this evidence, people have supported her and argued in her favor. People who were reading her blog decided they would pay for her boat, since she lost it after the rescue. (Page 25, Lines 43-45) She has written a book, had a documentary made about her, and was even offered to have a TV show starring her and her family. (Page 25, Lines 48-52) And despite her failure, she has decided to learn how to fly to break the record for the youngest solo flight around the world, with her parents' permission. (Thousand Oaks Acorn (Newspaper), 6/9/2011, Kyle Jorrey). It is sad what has happened to society today, how so many people believe taking such ridiculous risks and failing is bravery, and how parents allow such things.

  16. I honestly think that it was both foolish and thoughtful of Abby Sunderland to sail the world alone. Abby might of risked her own life and the life of others just to be the youngest person to sail the world alone but at the same time her parents didn’t just leave her to go alone, Abby had to prove herself many many times before going. Her older brother, Zac Sunderland did it when he was 17 years old, so she thought that she can do it when she was 16 year old. In my opinion, I agree with what Abby did, but I think she should have been more careful and aware of what might happen if her trip failed.
    Citation: Houghton Mifflin Collections

    1. It's very interesting how you went with both sides and I liked the way Abby had to prove that she is worthy of going on the trip multiple times. Great work!

  17. I think that it is a very foolish decision made by Abby and her parents. I also think she should have been more prepared for what she might encounter in her solo sailing such as preparing for high waves like the ones she encountered in her trip because a storm can occur at anytime. I also disagree with the thought of trying to beat someone in a record by risking your life and other peoples lives as well. I would also recommend someone to be with her rather than her being alone because some one could help you and also you don't have to take care of a ship which has many things to handle alone.
    Collections Book

  18. My opinion of Abby Sunderland and her voyage alone is that it was foolish. I think it is foolish because, she never even thought of the possibilities of what could have happen. For example, it says that she didn't even complete her trip because of a huge storm that destroyed her boat, and had to be rescued from a fishing boat (Page 24,lines 9-12). Also i couldn't believe it when i read that her parents let her go on this trip alone. Not only that but this trip was a 6 month voyage alone with no help (Page 24,lines 1-6). I thought her parents would at least know that this trip alone was incredibly foolish and would have stopped her right away. In the end, I hope Abby Sunderland and her parents have realized that this was incredibly foolish and next time reconsider.

    1. You should capitalize the "I," put commas when necessary, and avoid run-on sentences. But nice job citing you sources. I'm finished with my comment. Have a nice day!

  19. My opinion for Abby's solo sailing adventure is that we should take some risks but not take it to the max. I mean we should risk some things for good reasons like if you were going to be killed if you stayed Muslim, you should risk your life instead of turning to shirk. It was foolish for someone that age to go on a life and death situation which is not necessary and that just because she wanted it she went. So in this way what you want comes to you and that does not happen. The risk taken from going o the solo sail is not smart and is not every one should do.
    Collection Book (pg. 20-22) 9\7\15

  20. My opinion for Abby's solo sailing adventure is that we should take some risks but not take it to the max. I mean we should risk some things for good reasons like if you were going to be killed if you stayed Muslim, you should risk your life instead of turning to shirk. It was foolish for someone that age to go on a life and death situation which is not necessary and that just because she wanted it she went. So in this way what you want comes to you and that does not happen. The risk taken from going o the solo sail is not smart and is not every one should do.
    Collection Book (pg. 20-22) 9\7\15

  21. In my opinion, Abby Sunderland's idea of going on a voyage by herself across the world was simply unwise and foolish of both Abby and her parents. Sending a young teenager on a 6 month voyage by herself alone at sea is certainly something to consider about. When the Sunderlands compare driving a car and sailing a simple boat around the world(pg. 22, lines 65-67), I don't think they understand the big difference between the two. Driving in a car is easier to drive and navigate than a boat, and if your lost or something happened to the car, you can call a mechanic or your parents or someone might help. But to be lost or have a damaged boat in the middle of nowhere with bad connection....chances of surviving can seem very unlikely at the moment. In Abby's case, she was very lucky. With her blog, people could tell something was wrong when she wouldn't post anything for a long time, and the emergency beacons started a search for her until she was found(pg. 20 lines 19-20). She also risked a lot of lives when she was being rescued(pg.24 lines 19-20). Overall, the voyage was unsuccessful and an irrational idea.

  22. In my opinion, Abby should have not went out there without adult supervision. We are all still young and also foolish. But, i don't put the blame on Abby no, i put more blame on the parents of Abby because it was mostly there choice to chose whether or not she would embark on this dangerous journey. Especially for such a foolish reason. I think that the Sunderland's thought this was a win-win situation because if Abby actually did complete the 6 month journey, the parent's would get many sponsorship's and endorsements from companies so she can tell her story, and if she didn't make it, she also had an online blog that can assure that she has communication with civilization and will be even more remarkable that she survived. Either way, they would get paid, and be known to society. But even some other people told her that she was very lucky that she survived and should not do anything foolish just for a record.
    Collections Textbook

  23. In my opinion, Abby's sailing adventure was simply a bad idea. For someone her age it was far too dangerous of a journey to be done alone. The fact that help of any kind was literally thousands of miles away makes the voyage dangerous for anyone much less a teenager. In fact, I believe that anyone making a sailing trip around the world by themselves because the dangers inherent in it. Nobody should go on a journey or adventure alone. Also, I blame the parents for allowing their teenage child to indulge on the dangerous trip alone just like they did with their son.

  24. At the age of 16, Abby Sunderland attempted to sail the world alone. In my opinion, what Abby did was foolish. The idea of sailing the world is dangerous itself, but to do it alone is simply irresponsible and a risk that's dangers outweigh its benifits. Abby was a skilled and experienced sailor that was very capable of completing the journey. However, had she done it with a crew, the risk of getting hurt would have been much lower.
    When Abby was stranded in a remote part of the Indian Ocean there was no one around to save her. Several experts say that it was irresponsible of the parents to allow Abby to attempt such a dangerous journey at the mere age of 16 (line 40, page 21, Collections textbook). Laurence Sunderland said that it's a parents job to realize their child's dream. I agree with him, but there is a fine line between realizing their child's dream and jeopardizing their life.
    It was foolish of the parents to allow Abby to attemp the journey and was not a parentally wise decision. "Perhaps someone should have stepped in to impose some parenting standards," ( Joanna Weiss, The Boston Globe, June 15, 2010).
    At the end of the day, Abby's journey was foolish and her parents are at fault for allowing her to attempt the journey.

  25. Very interesting comments, everyone. I'm glad some of you found Abby's blog to learn more about her adventures!

  26. I think that what Abby Sunderland did was foolish. She was risking her life and the life of those that were trying to find her.At the age of 16, trying to sail the world solo is just a bad idea. There could be so many things that could go wrong. One of those things is just what happened. A rough wave came and knocked the mast of her boat along with the satellite communication system. So, she was stuck in the middle of the see with no sign of civilization in sight. She sent out an emergency beacon and France, Australia, and America were involved in trying to find her. As you can see it was just too much of a hassle to keep on looking for her. I think the parents shouldn't have let Abby go on this trip. She simply wasn't mature enough and tough enough to take on such journey. So, it is the parents to blame.

    (Paul Harris The guardian June 13, 2010)

  27. I think it was very foolish for Abby Sunderland to embark on such a journey. First of all, why would she want to go on a solo journey on the ocean across the world? Also, how did her parents allow her to go? This was simply a huge risk for her and she did not take anybody with her, which caused even more tension. They say in the book that Abby was pounded by huge waves in the ocean. Even after knowing all these risks, and the risk of dying too, she still took it. She tried to follow in her brother's footsteps, but it's not ensured that she will succeed. She is also a highly skilled and experienced sailor, but she is not an adult yet to make the journey. Finally, Derrick Fries, a world sailing champion said, "In Abby's case she was lucky. It's only a matter of time until we end up with a tragedy in our hands." This is my opinion on Abby's journey.
    Collections Textbook

  28. I think that it was foolish for Abby Sunderland to go on this journey. If going on a solo adventure around the world means risking your life, a 16 year old girl should definitely not be able to go. The parents should have thought better about letting such a young girl go on such an adventure. Derrick Fries also says that in (pg.20-22).
    Collections Book

  29. In my opinion it was very foolish to let Abby Sunderland go on this journey. She is too you and she was risking her life by going out to sea by herself with no help. She was underage and was going solo. If anything wrong happened she could of have died out there in the ocean. Also, the parents should of have done better parenting and made the choice where she wasn't allowed to go even though she was a well trained sailor, and it should't be her choice to risk her life.In Abby's case she was lucky. It's only a matter of time until we end up with a tragedy in our hands." This is my opinion on Abby's journey.
    Collections Textbook
